SIDB is an open database of soil incubation studies

It contains time series of multiple studies across the world. Currently, there are 31 entries in the database. Most entries have multiple time series of CO2 release from incubation experiments. The current total number of times series is 684.0, and the total number of datapoints is 39859.

Spatial distribution

The database has a relatively good coverage of many ecosystem types. However, tropical ecosystems are under-represented.

Incubation times

A wide range of incubation times are included



Go ahead, download the database and play around with it. If you end up publishing somthing, please cite the database as:.

Contribute data

You can use this database as a public repository of your own data. If you want to contribute, please do so through a pull request.

Contribute code

You can also contribute functions for the analysis and manipulation of the database. Please send us a pull request to contribute.


This database has been developed with financial support from
the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the German Research Foundation.
Additional support from the USGS Powell Center.